Bishop David Higuera

1970 - present


The Charismatic and Dynamic Bishop Characterized as his Counterpart Timothy, the Bishop of Ephesus...

David Higuera Rolón, a native from Mexico, was born in the Mexicali Valley in the state of Baja California on December 6, 1970. He was the son of the great servant of God, the Supervisor Salomé Higuera Arce and the Super Deaconess Martha Rolón Quiróz. He was introduced to the Gospel at age 10 within his home quarters by means of his father (who was later to become an official of the Church and presently sleeps in the Lord). Along with his family, he embraced the Gospel with all his heart.

At age 13, he was submerged in the waters of baptism on January 1, 1984. Two years later, on July 11, 1986, he was blessed with the gift of the Holy Spirit in a Waiting of Anointed Service. The following day, he dedicated his life entirely to the service of God. He was appointed to the rank of Preacher on August 18, 1987. At the same time, he was named Head of the Rehabilitation Center in the city of Tijuana, B.C., Mexico. Moreover, winning many souls and working strenuously in the task assigned to him, he earned the rank of Pastor Evangelist on June 22, 1988. Furthermore, being his effort and dedication to the cause of God of great significance, he was placed as Head of Campaign of the Pacific in Mexico. Thereafter, he was appointed as Evangelist on March 1989. Approximately a year after his appointment, on October 8, 1990, he united in matrimony with the young Preacher Lucía Rebeca Hernández.

On July 4, 1992, he was appointed to the rank of Supervisor, this commission constituted him as an official of the Church. He was then named Head of the Southern part of Mexico and fulfilling faithfully with all the expectations, he was promoted to the rank of Major Supervisor on March 15, 1997. In 1999, through testimony and by means of the Church's leadership, a statute was established in which stated that whoever received the gift of tongue interpretation would immediately be promoted to the rank of Superintendent. Being so, he was privileged in obtaining this precious gift, and on January 20, 1999, he was appointed to the rank of Superintendent.

On January 22, 2000, on a glorious International Conference, by testimony and grace of God, he was ordained as Bishop. He continued working rigorously and without hesitation concerning God's cause. Five years later, succeeding the Apostle Rolando G. Washington's death, on December 10, 2005, he took part of the Church's leadership, beginning the era of the Board of Bishops (2005-2007).

Many are the virtues that reflect what makes up a man of God and the Bishop David Higuera is a living testimony of the former. His charismatic and energetic personality is capable of igniting a struggling soul, a discouraged heart, or simply an ear wanting to hear a word of advice or reassurance. His disposition and naturally good-temper are always present in his semblance, regardless of the place or situation. In addition, his distinct internal and external character brings forth: integrity, honesty, and determination in finishing the Spiritual race to the end.

Furthermore, for all his effort and dedication, would not his name be written in the Book of Life?